What is a Trade Exchange?
A trade exchange is a financial tool businesses use to move excess inventory, increase sales, and improve cash flow. The exchange acts as a third-party record-keeper, maintaining the proper records and providing monthly statements and year-end documentation.

Why not trade directly?
A direct trade requires two businesses to exchange what they have for what the other business has. Finding businesses that want what you have and have what you want can be a time consuming and costly endeavor.

By becoming a member of IMS Barter, your business sells their product or service to any of the other member businesses in exchange for trade dollars, which can then be used at any of the other member businesses. This allows you to turn what you have, into what you need.

What are the advantages of trading?
As a member of IMS Barter, your business will immediately be connected with over 16,000 other member businesses throughout the U.S. and Canada, giving your business more exposure to more markets than any other business exchange.

Costly markdowns and excess inventory eat away at your bottom line. Selling your excess inventory or capacity at full retail prices through the nationwide audience of IMS Barter increases your business’ exposure to new markets, as well as bringing a new revenue stream to your business.

Members of IMS will seek out your business simply because you make it easy for them to pay you through their IMS membership. Your business benefits with sales to new customers and a new revenue source to purchase the products and services you need, saving the cash in your pocket for those items that can’t be traded, like mortgage and utilities.

Why join IMS Barter?
IMS Barter is the nation’s largest full-service barter exchange with over 16,000 members in more than 50 markets throughout the United States and Canada. Membership with IMS Barter brings with it a full-service broker team, travel department, and media department, all available to fulfill your business needs. Your personal broker will help you sell your products and services and then turn around and help you purchase the products and services you need.

In addition to the full-service teams available with membership in IMS Barter, members have access to the IMS website. While online you will be able to check your balances, review your transaction histories, process transactions, browse and request travel information, shop the $10 million dollars worth of product on the IMS marketplace, and browse the directory for member businesses both at a local and national level.

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